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Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty)

Though many people seek improvements in their nose for the outward appearance, often the problem lies internally. Difficulty breathing through the nose can be a result of trauma or injury, or simply the way your nose developed from birth. The bone and cartilage wall separating the two nasal passages is called the septum and can be deviated to one side or the other causing an obstruction of air flow. A Septoplasty can remove this bulging or deformed portion of bone and cartilage and give you straighter air passages. In certain patients, a turbinectomy can also open the nasal air passages by reducing the internal projections that warm and moisturize the air that passes through the nose. The end result is better air flow and less difficulty breathing through your nose at night or during exercise.

The external nose is frequently addressed either alone, or at the time of the septum. The projection of the nose is assessed around the lower eyelid as well as the tip. The ‘hump’ of the central nose can be reduced through bone and cartilage manipulation. It can be narrowed or in certain circumstances, augmented through grafting. The tip can be thinned, rotated, and made more or less prominent depending on the individual needs. These modifications are done through an ‘open’ technique which affords better visualization and more surgical options including those that do not damage existing anatomic structures (also referred to as non-destructive techniques).

When we talk about achieving a balance to your face with rhinoplasty, sometimes this involves enhancing the chin. Some people who feel their nose is projecting too far out from their face may have a small or “weak” chin. When a profile view shows the nose and chin are out of balance, corrective rhinoplasty to enhance the nose may be combined with a chin augmentation. The result is a much stronger more balanced appearing profile.
