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Breast Reduction

Many women are troubled by overly large breasts-which can lead to back, neck, and shoulder discomfort. Large breasts can make it difficult to exercise or find clothes that fit properly. If you suffer from these symptoms, perhaps a breast reduction is right for you.

A breast reduction procedure removes excess breast tissue, skin, and fat to reshape and lift the breasts. This can reduce the neck and back strain and may relieve the discomfort. This procedure can greatly benefit women of all ages by producing breasts that are in better proportion to the rest of their body. Some women want to be proportionately smaller and others larger after their reduction. Dr. Rodgers will modify the procedure to produce those results. Trust Dr. Rodgers to listen to YOU. He understands that breast reduction surgery is a big decision and believes that only you know what is best for your body.

Dr. Rodgers understands that the goal of this procedure is to remove the burdens of excessively heavy breasts. However, he approaches the surgery with the same cosmetic goals he puts into everything he does. Through his years of experience and technique, he develops a breast that has fullness both above and below the nipple—all while being up to several cup sizes smaller. The cost for a cosmetic breast reduction will vary based on individual anatomy and the amount of reduction required. Generally, this ranges from $6000 to $9000 and includes all fees for Dr. Rodgers, anesthesia, and the hospital.

The procedure is performed as an outpatient in a fully-accredited hospital with all anesthesia managed by licensed and certified anesthesiologists. Surgery can range from 2 to 4 hours depending on individual anatomy and the amount of reduction required. The results are immediate. Patients report less back discomfort and easier sleeping within the f72 hours. The pain associated with surgery is mild to moderate-with usually just a few days of pain medication required. Though some women take off less, Dr. Rodgers recommends 1 week off of work for the procedure (2 weeks if employment is physically demanding).

Schedule a consultation today to see how breast reduction surgery can change your life!
